High School Experience Seminar 2023(Part 3)

Sarah Wang

Sarah Wang is currently a grade twelve full IB student at western Canada high school. She is in biology and chemistry HL so she will briefly go over the science course flow, as well as some tips for those two courses.

Aaliyah Chen

Aaliyah Chen is currently a Grade 12 full IB student at Western Canada High School. Having excelled at English throughout high school, she will be imparting her extensive knowledge on how to succeed in this difficult course. 

Ethan Xie

Ethan Xie is a grade 12 partial IB ( Chem IB HL, Bio IB HL, Math IB HL, and Chinese IB) student at Western Canada High School. He is also an avid competitive swimmer and like to paint in his free time. He will be discussing the benefits of partial IB in comparison to full IB, school sports (swimming and rugby), and some general high school tips.

Luke Xiu

Luke is a Grade 12 full IB student (enrolled in IB: biology, chemistry, higher level math, english, world history, and mandarin) at Sir Winston Churchill High School. He actively participates in numerous school clubs and engages in a variety of extracurricular activities, including conducting life sciences research at the University of Calgary. Luke is excited to share his experiences with the incoming IB cohort!

Joey Zhang

Joey is a grade 12 IB Diploma Student at Sir Winston Churchill. Primarily, the focus of his presentation will be the schooling and the IB program in Churchill holistically, as well as a particular focus on the areas of physics, english, and world history IB.